Transformational Love
Weekly Lenten Reflections
Pray with us this Lent and listen to our weekly audio reflections based on the Sunday readings each week leading up to Easter.
Young adults are invited to join our online groups discussing these reflections, click here to sign up for a group.
Not a young adult? Click here to sign up to receive the reflections via email beginning March 7.

Finding God in your 20’s and 30’s
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality’s Ignatian Young Adult Ministries initiative invites young adults to deepen their faith through the practice of Ignatian spirituality and to live as women and men for and with others.
What is Ignatian Young Adult Ministries?
The IYAM community is made up of nearly 3,000 participants from across the United States, Canada, and a handful of other countries.
The IYAM community includes alumni of Jesuit institutions, life-long Catholics, spiritual seekers, and “nones.”