Lenten Resources 2021

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Here is a list of Ignatian resources from CLA, the Office of Ignatian Spirituality (OIS), and our partners across the Ignatian community designed to accompany you on your spiritual journey through Lent.

Recursos ignacianos para cuaresma en español.

Programs & Events

Lent is a great time to make an Ignatian retreat, check out OIS’s calendar of upcoming retreats, or contact a Jesuit retreat house to find out what is available.

Ways to Pray.

Jesuit Prayer provides the daily Scripture reading, an Ignatian reflection, and a short prayer each day through their app, on their website, or by signing up for their daily email. They also offer personal responses to prayer requests; all are remembered in Masses celebrated by the Jesuits.

Growing in Friendship with God this Lent – Pray with these meditations by Fr. William Barry, SJ, for the Wednesdays of Lent, accompanied by a reflection by the IgnatianSpirituality.com dotMagis bloggers.

The Jesuit Conference has put together an Ignatian Guide to Lent — learn about Lent and about Ignatian spirituality through the lived experiences of fellow practitioners in this video series.

Enter into a visual prayer experience this Lent with Arts & Faith: Lent. Each week, IgnatianSpirituality.com provides a video commentary about a work of art inspired by the Sunday Scriptures. Use these videos to take a new look at this season of spiritual renewal through the lens of sacred art.

Spirituality & Justice.

Steadfast: A Call to Love – During Lent, in these turbulent times, how can we persevere in our work for justice with a steadfast spirit, rooted in love? The Ignatian Solidarity Network is inviting writers from the Jesuit and broader Catholic network to reflect on this question. (This series is also available in Spanish.)

Join Jesuit Refugee Services/USA in their Lenten challenge, 400 Minutes 4 Refugees, by offering moments of your day to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in solidarity with refugees.

Walking with Earth’s Woundedness is a series that invites people of any faith (or no) tradition to engage on themes of our ecologically wounding habits as humans, ecological values, and healing actions.

Stations of the Cross.

The Midwest Jesuits offer Way of the Cross, reflections on the 14 Stations of the Cross written by Jesuits and lay colleagues. The reflections are available in written or audio formats.

Jesuit Refuged Services/USA is also offering reflections on the Stations of the Cross.

The Ignatian Examen.

From Ashes to Glory invites you to take up the practice of reflecting on your day, its gifts and graces, and the progress you are making in life with Christ. It’s a way of praying the Examen through Lent, with materials by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ. (IgnatianSpirituality.com)

What to Read.

Read-along for Lent with Loyola Press. The book is The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness: 10 Steps to Healing. Read at a relaxed pace, allowing time to savor the reading during Lent, and post your thoughts, favorite quotes, or reactions with #lentreadalong on social media.

Also, spend a few minutes reading these weekly reflections on the Sunday Gospels, written by Elaine Ireland, a Christian writer who serves as a spiritual director for the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Baltimore and a retreat leader at Loyola on the Potomac Jesuit retreat house.


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