Resources for the Season of Creation

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Sept. 4, 2019 – by Nick Napolitano

The Season of Creation began on Sept. 1 and continues through Oct. 4. Christians around the world are encouraged to pray for the care of Creation and to consider ways to act. Below are some resources from a variety of Catholic environmental organizations to help you more substantively engage in this Season.

In his message on the World Day of Prayer for the 2019 Season of Creation, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to make this Season a time to reacquaint ourselves with praying in nature, to reflect on our lifestyles, and to take prophetic actions. I write to share an 
The Catholic Climate Covenant offers a comprehensive resource to engage with the Season of Creation, whose theme this year is the web of life.

In a lifestyle challenge marking the Season of Creation, the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) asks us to connect the food we eat with its impact on the climate, fasting from meat or palm oil on Fridays or throughout the entire season of Creation.
And check out what the Archdiocese of Chicago schools (and parishes) are doing each week for the Season of Creation!

September 20, 2019 – Global Climate Strike
Catholics and people of faith are participating in the Sept. 20 Global Climate Strike in a variety of ways to command attention and urge action from world leaders gathered at the United Nations General Assembly. The ISN and Jesuit Conference Office of Justice and Ecology have collected ideas and resources to help everyone engage in some way, including:

  • Prayer resources

  • Collective action ideas to collaborate with the Ignatian Family

  • Advocacy opportunities to care for our Common Home

For those less sure of the need to act to protect Creation, they should read Global Catholic Climate Movement board member Dr. Lorna Gold’s article on reasons Catholics schools should consider doing something for the strike.

October 4, 2019 – Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
The Catholic Climate Covenant has available a 90-minute prayer and reflection for the Feast of St. Francis, focused on the October Amazonian Synod, environmental and climate justice and voices of indigenous communities.

Nick Napolitano is the Assistant for Social Ministries for the Maryland and USA Northeast Jesuit Provinces. Nick can be reached at


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