Money & Faith: Investing from an Ignatian Perspective

Young adults are invited to our next in-person event, Pizza & a Pint, on Thursday, March 30, 2023 from 6:30pm-8:30pm at The Loyola House (300 Newbury Street, Boston, MA.)

Explore how managing your finances and investing with a commitment to justice can impact community and your future. Discover the connection between faith and investing with your values.

Certified Financial Planner, Lucia Reed will be our presenter. Pizza and drinks will be provided. 6:30pm-8:30pm EST. This event is free and open to all young adults (ages 21-39.) Register using the short form below.

Lucia Reed is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at an all female investment firm based in Amherst, MA. She was a Jesuit Volunteer in Nashville 2009-2010 at Room in the Inn, which is a homeless shelter. After receiving her Masters in Theological Studies from Boston College, she taught high school theology at Matignon High School. She then worked as a financial coach working with families in subsidized housing at Compass Working Capital.


The Brave Yes


Lenten Letters: Connecting with Jesuits This Lent (2023)