We are excited to introduce affinity groups to the IYAM community!

We’re excited to listen, learn and explore possibilities together with our BIPOC and Queer community members!

To allies and folks with other important identities, thank you for your interest and support! There will be other opportunities to gather around shared interests. We will be back in touch with ways for you to connect and get involved.

This is just a conversation to get us started — no commitment required! It’s simply an opportunity for us to share this idea with you and for you to share your thoughts with us.

What is an affinity group?

An affinity group gathers people around a shared identity, interest, or aspiration. Affinities can help establish intentional community and provide space for conversation, visibility, and empowerment.  They are not programs. Rather, affinity groups will be self-directed with support from Ignatian Young Adult Ministries. Each group may function differently in order to meet  the unique purpose of that group. It may lead to something in-person, online, or simply being part of a network of other young adults with similar commitments. It is our hope that affinity groups will offer an opportunity for individual and communal growth. 

IYAM aims to support the development of affinities by identifying  what’s important to you. We need and want to hear from you! What kind of groups would you like to explore?

We also believe that affinity groups can further our commitment to inclusion. For people with a marginalized identity, such groups may be a space of affirmation and shared experience.  Among those who have inspired us to launch affinity groups this spring are our BIPOC and Queer community members. 

How will we support affinity groups?

We’re excited to support affinity groups. We commit to providing structural support and accompaniment:

  • Networking -  we’ll connect you!

  • Check-ins - We want to hear about and uplift your experience.

  • Access to software and accounts like Zoom and Google Suite

  • Resources to support you in gathering around prayer, reflection and continued learning

  • Opportunities to co-sponsor programs in furthering IYAM’s mission, outreach and engagement

We’re excited to listen, learn and explore possibilities together!


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